Latest Insights

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a light blue background.

Two Executive Agencies Take Positive Steps to Keep Health Data Private

Graphic for a report, entitled "Field Guide to Blocking Statutes: Limiting Interstate Abortion Investigations." An illustration of a phone on a pillar, with dots emanating from it representing data. A triangular blue-and-black shield sits above the phone and protects that data.

Report – Field Guide to Blocking Statutes: Limiting Interstate Abortion Investigations

CDT Comments to NTIA on Privacy, Equity, and Civil Rights. White document on a grey background.

CDT Comments to NTIA on Privacy, Equity, and Civil Rights

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Op-Ed: Stopping Bluetooth Location Trackers From Becoming People Trackers

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a light blue background.

Blog Series: Cracking Down on Federal Aid for Reproductive Health Surveillance

Graphic for a joint CDT and Kiva Centers webinar, entitled “Big Brother Meets Bedlam: Resisting Mental Health Surveillance Tech.” Monday, October 17, 2022 at 3:30 pm ET / 12:30 pm Pacific. Register at

Big Brother Meets Bedlam: Resisting Mental Health Surveillance Tech

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

After Dobbs, CDT and EHI Health Framework Could Reduce Harm to People Seeking Abortions

CDT, Civil Rights Orgs Urge Congress to Not Advance KOSA, Detailing Continued Risks to Minors and LGBTQ+ Teens. White document on a grey background.

CDT, Civil Rights Orgs Urge Congress to Not Advance KOSA, Detailing Continued Risks to Minors and LGBTQ+ Teens

Graphic for CDT's research brief, entitled "Hidden Harms: Student Activity Monitoring After Roe v. Wade." Black text on a white background.

Brief – Hidden Harms: Student Activity Monitoring After Roe v. Wade

CDT-Led Coalition Urges Administration Not to Allow Local Police to Use Federal Support for Abortion Investigations and Prosecutions. White document on a grey background.

LETTER: CDT-Led Coalition of 50+ Rights Groups Urges Administration Not to Allow Local Police to Use Federal Support for Abortion Investigations & Prosecutions

CDT Comments to FTC Regarding Prevalent Commercial Surveillance Practices that Harm Consumers. White document on grey background.

CDT Comments to FTC Regarding Prevalent Commercial Surveillance Practices that Harm Consumers

A research brief from the CDT Civic Tech team, entitled “Hidden Harms: Students With Disabilities, Mental Health, And Student Activity Monitoring.” Black text on a white background.

Brief – Hidden Harms: Students With Disabilities, Mental Health, And Student Activity Monitoring