Pixelated face, as part of CDT's Equity in Civic Technology Project. Original image by Joanna Nix-Walkup on Unsplash.

Equity in Civic Technology

Public agencies and civic institutions increasingly rely on data and technology to carry out their responsibilities, from designing educational programs and providing healthcare options for uninsured families, to allocating unemployment benefits and addressing food and housing instability. As governments expand their use of technology and data, it is critical that they do so in ways that affirm individual privacy, respect civil rights, foster inclusive participatory systems, promote transparent and accountable oversight, and advance just social structures within the broader community.

CDT furthers these goals by providing balanced advocacy that promotes the responsible use of data and technology while protecting the privacy and civil rights of individuals. We engage with these issues from both technical and policy-minded perspectives, creating solutions-oriented policy resources and actionable technical guidance.

Recent Content

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a light blue background.

Two Lawsuits Raise Critical Questions About Whether Privacy Rights Have Been Violated by DOGE Members

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

U.S. Department of Education’s AI Toolkit and Nondiscrimination Resources Provides Lasting Guidance for Educators on AI and Civil Rights

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Press Release: CDT Research Uncovers Widespread Use of Questionable Technologies in K-12 Schools Despite Parent Concern and Lack of Awareness

Layers of glitch effects, in shades of blue, purple, and pink. White text: "Out of Step." Green text: "Students, Teachers in Stride with EdTech Threats While Parents Are Left Behind."

Out of Step: Students, Teachers in Stride with EdTech Threats While Parents Are Left Behind

Unique Civil Rights Risks for Immigrant K-12 Students on the AI-Powered Campus. White document on a light grey background.

Brief – Unique Civil Rights Risks for Immigrant K-12 Students on the AI-Powered Campus 

Education Leaders’ Guide to Complying with Existing Student Privacy and Civil Rights Laws Amidst an Evolving Immigration Landscape. White document on a light grey background.

Brief – Education Leaders’ Guide to Complying with Existing Student Privacy and Civil Rights Laws Amidst an Evolving Immigration Landscape

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