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CDT and Coalition Urge White House to Ensure Forthcoming AI Executive Order Advances Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. White document on a grey background.

CDT and Coalition Urge White House to Ensure Forthcoming AI Executive Order Advances Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

CDT Comments Urge FTC to Consider Broad Implications of Confirming Parent-Child Relationships. White document on a grey background.

CDT Comments Urge FTC to Consider Broad Implications of Confirming Parent-Child Relationships

CDT Comments to NTIA on AI Accountability

CDT and Technologists File SCOTUS Brief Urging Court To Hold that Section 230 Applies to Recommendations of Content. White document on a grey background.

CDT and Technologists File SCOTUS Brief Urging Court To Hold that Section 230 Applies to Recommendations of Content

Free Expression Organizations File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case Twitter v. Taamneh. White document on a grey background.

Free Expression Organizations File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case Twitter v. Taamneh

CDT Joins Broad Coalition Opposing Journalism Competition & Preservation Act

CDT Joins over 45 other organizations in signing a letter, urging Congress to protect Americans' privacy and bring the American Data Privacy and Protection Act to a vote. White document on dark grey background.

CDT Joins 45+ Orgs in Letter Urging Congress to Protect Americans’ Privacy and Bring American Data Privacy and Protection Act to Vote

CDT, EFF + other organizations lead a Supreme Court brief urging the High Court to stop the Texas social media law. White document on a dark grey background.

CDT, EFF + Other Orgs Lead Supreme Court Brief Urging High Court to Stop Texas Social Media Law

CDT Joins Comments Urging NIST to Utilize Best Practices for Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. White document on a dark grey background.

CDT Joins Comments Urging NIST to Incorporate Standards Setting Out Best Practices for Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

CDT joined a letter urging the White House & world governments to ensure internet access to Russian people. White document on a dark grey background.

CDT Joins Letter Urging White House, World Governments to Ensure Internet Access to Russian People

Screenshot of a CDT letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, urging for further changes to address privacy, security, & content moderation concerns in Senate antitrust bill. White document on dark grey background.

CDT Letter Recommending Further Changes to Address Privacy, Security & Content Moderation Concerns As Senate Antitrust Bill Moves Forward

CDT submitted comments to the UN's OHCHR on internet shutdowns & human rights. White document on a dark grey background.

CDT Comments to the OHCHR on Internet Shutdowns