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Graphic for CDT's research brief, entitled "Hidden Harms: Increased Law Enforcement Interactions." Black text on a white background.

Brief – Hidden Harms: Increased Law Enforcement Interactions

Graphic for CDT's research brief, entitled "Hidden Harms: Disproportionate Disciplinary Action." Black text on a white background.

Brief – Hidden Harms: Disproportionate Disciplinary Action

A research brief from the CDT Civic Tech team, entitled “Hidden Harms: Students With Disabilities, Mental Health, And Student Activity Monitoring.” Black text on a white background.

Brief – Hidden Harms: Students With Disabilities, Mental Health, And Student Activity Monitoring

A research brief from the CDT Civic Tech team, entitled "Hidden Harms: Targeting LGBTQ+ Students." Black text on a white background.

Brief – Hidden Harms: Targeting LGBTQ+ Students

CDT Urges the U.S. Department of Education to Protect LGBTQI+ Students from Discriminatory Data & Tech Use in Proposed Title IX Rules. White document on a grey background.

CDT Urges U.S. Department of Education to Protect LGBTQI+ Students from Discriminatory Data & Tech Use in Proposed Title IX Rules

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

Press Release: Students and Teachers Warn That Schools’ Use of Monitoring Software Is Harming Students

Letter to ED Office for Civil Rights on Discriminatory Effects of Online Monitoring of Students. White document on a dark grey background.

Letter to ED Office for Civil Rights on Discriminatory Effects of Online Monitoring of Students

CDT report, entitled "Hidden Harms: The Misleading Promise of Monitoring Students Online." Text in white and pink, on a dark blue gradient background. Subtle images of a computer with student activity monitoring software on the screen, and monitoring reports underneath it, are on the bottom.

Report – Hidden Harms: The Misleading Promise of Monitoring Students Online

CDT submitted comments to CMS, urging them to adopt necessary limits on data sharing for automated benefits determinations. White document on a dark grey background.

CDT Comments Urging CMS to Develop Robust Guidance on Data Sharing

CDT submitted comments, urging the FCC to address the invasive monitoring of students online and to bolster K-12 cybersecurity. White document on a dark grey background.

CDT Urges FCC to Address Invasive Monitoring of Students Online and to Bolster K-12 Cybersecurity

CDT submitted comments urging the U.S. Department of Education to address the disparate impact of disciplinary uses of student activity monitoring software and to protect the safety and privacy of students of diverse gender identities. White document on a dark grey background.

CDT Urges U.S. Dept. of Ed to Address Student Activity Monitoring Software and Better Protect Students of Diverse Gender Identities

Blue student backpack, with a multi-color trail of data coming from the open top of the bag and encircling it. White CDT logo to the left, "Student Privacy" in blue to the right, and a bright purple background.

As Demand Grows for COVID-19 Testing in Schools, So Must Our Attention to Student Privacy