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The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

White House to Scrutinize Discrimination in AI Hiring Decisions and Problems of Automated Workplace Surveillance

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a light blue background.

Workplace Technology: Recent Policy News & Publications from Across the U.S.

CDT, GFI, Others Send Memos Urging White House to Take Action on Electronic Workplace Surveillance. White document on grey background.

CDT, GFI, Others Send Memos Urging White House to Take Action on Electronic Workplace Surveillance

CDT Comments to California Privacy Protection Agency on Automated Decision-making and Risk Assessments. White document on a grey background.

CDT Comments to California Privacy Protection Agency on Automated Decision-making and Risk Assessments

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Senate Bill Would Be Big Step to Combatting Harmful Workplace Surveillance Practices

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

Discrimination in Hiring: The Case for Alignment of the EU AI Act with EU Equality Laws

CDT Comments Supporting EEOC's Recognition of Discriminatory Tech as an Enforcement Priority. White document on a grey background.

CDT Comments Supporting EEOC’s Recognition of Discriminatory Tech as an Enforcement Priority

CDT Testimony Before U.S. EEOC on Employment Discrimination in AI and Automated Systems. White document on a grey background.

CDT Testimony Before U.S. EEOC on Employment Discrimination in AI and Automated Systems

CDT Comments Scrutinize NYC's Revised Rules That Leave Even More Workers Unprotected From Algorithmic Bias. White document on a grey background.

CDT Comments Scrutinize NYC’s Revised Rules That Leave Even More Workers Unprotected From Algorithmic Bias

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

NLRB Memo Takes Aim at Intrusive Workplace Surveillance & Algorithmic Management Systems

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Press Release: CDT & Top Civil Rights Groups Publish Standards to Ensure Fairness in Hiring Practices that Use Automated Tech

Graphic for report, entitled "Civil Rights Standards for 21st Century Employment Selection Procedures." A blue and green work station and chair, including desk, chair, and laptop.

Civil Rights Standards for 21st Century Employment Selection Procedures