European Policy, Free Expression, Government Surveillance
CDT Joins Letter Urging European Parliament to Support European Media Freedom Act (EMFA)
The Centre for Democracy & Technology, Europe (CDT Europe) joined an open letter with other journalists, press freedom, civil society and digital rights organisations urging the European Parliament to express their full support for the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). The letter urges the European Parliament to ensure it establishes harmonised legal safeguards across Europe.
From the letter:
Many journalists around the EU find themselves in increasingly captured media markets, where independent voices are sidelined by economic pressure. Journalists and media outlets struggle for financial viability and critical media are often discriminated against by (illiberal) politicians blocking access to sustainable financial resources. Others are coerced to report a certain official narrative because of political pressure. Politically-influenced media takeovers create an environment where critical reporters are in the minority.
Media freedom and pluralism is the precondition of stable democracy and the rule of law. Independent media helps to form public opinion and has a direct influence on the outcome of elections.