CDT Research, Privacy & Data, Tech Talk
TechTalk: School Issued Devices — Talking Tech W/ Francella Ochillo

CDT’s Tech Talk is a podcast where we dish on tech and Internet policy, while also explaining what these policies mean to our daily lives. You can find Tech Talk on Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, and Google Play, as well as Stitcher and TuneIn.
We have another exciting show for you this week!
Last month, CDT released two complementary reports, the first – Online and Observed: Student Privacy Implications of School-Issued Devices and Student Activity Monitoring Software – being an interview-based study that examines local education agencies use of, and motivations for, using monitoring software on school-issued devices. The second report – Student Activity Monitoring Software: Research Insights and Recommendations – presents survey research assessing teacher, parent, and student experiences and attitudes regarding student activity monitoring software.
Here to talk more about the importance of these reports and help us understand some of the challenges education practitioners experience when working to address the homework gap is Francella Ochillo, Executive Director for Next Century Cities.