Latest Insights

CDT Defends Encryption Against Broadside Attack from Nevada AG. White document on a grey background.

CDT Defends Encryption Against Broadside Attack from Nevada AG

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

EU Council and EU Commission Must Urgently Address Issues by PEGA Committee

Logo of the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC). Black text on a white background, with multi-colored squares (dark orange, dark yellow, dark blue, and light blue / green) forming a + symbol.

Global Encryption Coalition Steering Committee Statement on the ECtHR Court Ruling on Encryption in Podchasov v. Russia

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

The European Court of Human Rights Concludes Encryption Backdoor Mandates Violate the Right to Private Life of All Users Online

CDT Comments in response to FTC's Proposed Consent Order with X-Mode Social, Inc., and Outlogic, LLC. White document on grey background.

CDT Comments in response to FTC’s Proposed Consent Order with X-Mode Social, Inc., and Outlogic, LLC

Requiring a Warrant for US Person Queries is Critical for FISA 702 Legislation. White document on a grey background.

Requiring a Warrant for U.S. Person Queries is Critical for FISA 702 Legislation

Open Letter from Security Experts Voices Concerns Over the Proposed Changes to UK Investigatory Powers Act’s Notices Regime. White document on a grey background.

Open Letter from Security Experts Voices Concerns Over the Proposed Changes to UK Investigatory Powers Act’s Notices Regime

CDT Recommendations to DOJ and DHS for Transparency and Policy on Federal Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition. White document on a grey background.

CDT Recommendations to DOJ and DHS for Transparency and Policy on Federal Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition

CDT Joins Civil Society Coalition Calling on Australian Government to Reconsider Threats to Encryption Privacy in Draft Online Safety Industry Standards.

CDT Joins Civil Society Coalition Calling on Australian Government to Reconsider Threats to Encryption, Privacy in Draft Online Safety Industry Standards

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

CDT Welcomes Rollout of Encryption-by-Default for Facebook Messenger

On the75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the EU Must Protect Rights in the Digital Age

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a light blue background.

A Trojan Horse in a House Intel Committee Bill Massively Expands FISA 702 Surveillance