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Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

EU Tech Policy Brief: November 2023

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

Press Release: New EU Regulation an Important Step Towards More Transparent Political Advertising

CDT Europe & Civil Society Urge EU Commissioner to Respect Due Process in DSA Enforcement. White document on a grey background.

CDT Europe & Civil Society Urge EU Commissioner to Respect Due Process in DSA Enforcement

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

CDT Europe’s AI Bulletin: October 2023

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

EU Tech Policy Brief: September 2023

Blog written with CDT Europe and the UN Human Rights B-Tech Project. Entitled "Fostering responsible business conduct in the tech sector – the need for aligning risk assessment, transparency and stakeholder engagement provisions under the EU Digital Services Act with the UNGPs."

Fostering responsible business conduct in the tech sector – the need for aligning risk assessment, transparency and stakeholder engagement provisions under the EU Digital Services Act with the UNGPs

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

EU Tech Policy Brief: August 2023

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

CDT Europe Sends Comments to EC on Dual Use Regulation

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

CDT Europe’s AI Bulletin: July 2023

CDT Europe and Civil Society Urge EU Commissioner to Clarify Comments About Blocking Social Media Under DSA. White document on a grey background.

CDT Europe and Civil Society Urge EU Commissioner to Clarify Comments About Blocking Social Media Under DSA

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

EU Tech Policy Brief: July 2023

Text: #DSAForFreeSpeech. European Union flag with a overlay of a light colored circuit board.

CDT Europe Joins Alliance Calling for Human-Rights Approach to DSA