Announcing new video series – The Rundown
I’m excited introduce to you CDT’s new video series The Rundown. Our goal is to give you a few bites of the most important tech news and the latest on the policy issues CDT is exploring. In the tech and tech-policy space, there’s a constant stream of breaking news and changing developments – so consider The Rundown your way to catch up on a few of the more influential stories (not always the biggest ones). We’ll share not only what you need to know, but also why we are advocating for particular approaches.
We’re excited to bring this series to you every two weeks, and we’re always open to your feedback, questions, and suggestions. Send them along to [email protected], or post to Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
In this episode, our host Brian Wesolowski (@brianwez) discusses the recent Second Circuit ruling on the NSA’s bulk collection programs, the USA FREEDOM Act, HTTPS security and it’s impact on advertisers, …plus tree kangaroos and birds of prey. Greg Norcie’s HTTPS whitepaper, as mentioned in this week’s section of 3 Points, can be found here.