Uniting Civil Society and Regulators for Effective DSA Enforcement
Uniting Civil Society and Regulators for Effective DSA Enforcement
Time: 11:00-1:00 pm ET
Date: Monday, 26 Jun 2023
Introductory Panel
The event will commence with introductory remarks highlighting the significance of involving civil society organizations in the implementation and enforcement of the DSA
- Chantal Joris, Legal Officer, ARTICLE 19
- Asha Allen, Advocacy Director for Europe, Center for Technology and Democracy (CDT)
- Dr Suzanne Vergnolle, Professor of Technology Law, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM Institute, Paris)
- Benoît Loutrel, ARCOM (l’Autorité de Régulation de la Communication Audiovisuelle et Numérique), France
Presentation of key findings from the report, “Putting collective intelligence to the enforcement of the Digital Services Act”
Presentation by the report’s author Dr. Suzanne Vergnolle
Regulator intervention
A representative from a national regulatory body, the French ACROM, will shed light on the rationale behind ACROM’s plans of opening a dedicated position focused on the relationship with civil society. They will also outline the expectations and anticipated outcomes from this new role.
Audience Participation
A focus of the the event will be a Q&A discussion among representatives of various civil society organizations. Each representative will be asked to share one key expectation they have from the Digital Services Act. This will serve as a starting point to delve deeper into understanding how civil society can effectively contribute to those objectives.
Moderator: Julian Jaursch from Stiftung Neue Verantwortung