COPPA at 20: Protecting Children’s Privacy in the New Digital Era




Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor

120 F St NW, Washington, DC 20001

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Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)  //  FTC Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter  //  and other speakers


Agenda – October 24, 2018

Location: Georgetown Law – Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor 

120 F St NW, Washington, DC 20001


11:45am – Doors Open

12:00pm – Opening Keynote: FTC Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter

12:30pm – Panel 1: COPPA at 20: The Evolving Tech Landscape

Much has changed in the twenty years since COPPA was enacted. Connected toys, home IoT devices, and the emergence of major content platforms are changing how children interact with the internet. At the same time, new research has raised concerns about childhood development and addiction. How has COPPA’s implementation evolved over the last 20 years to meet the issues raised by these new developments? What challenges does this new landscape present?

1:45pm – Panel 2: Interpreting COPPA: Key Questions and Challenges

Several key issues in COPPA’s implementation continue to raise questions for companies, advocates, courts and regulators interpreting the law. As large-scale data collection becomes more ubiquitous, new questions emerge regarding COPPA’s application tooperators of “general audience”devices.How is “actual knowledge” being interpreted? How has theproliferation of third-party data trackers and complex, multi-sided platforms impacted efforts to assign liability? Has the FTC’s approach to “personal information” been successful, and should more be done?

3:00pm – Panel 3: Enforcing COPPA: Successes, Challenges & Opportunities

COPPA takes a somewhat unique approach to self-regulation. The law includes a provisionenabling industry groups or others to submit for Commission approval self-regulatory guidelines that implement the protections of the Commission’s final Rule.Is this approach considered a success? What challenges have regulators and advocates faced in enforcing this Safe Harbor program? What lessons might COPPA have for broader privacy enforcement?

4:30pm – Closing Keynote: Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)

5:00pm – Event Ends

Lunch will be provided.

For more information, to submit a dietary request, or to request an accommodation relating to a disability, please contact [email protected].

Hosts: Georgetown Institute for Tech Law & Policy | The Future of Privacy Forum | Center for Democracy & Technology | Common Sense Media | Consumers Union