ABA National Symposium: Advanced Hiring Technologies and the Impact on People with Disabilities




The Madison Washington

1177 15th Street NW

Washington, DC 20005

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ABA National Symposium on Technology in Labor and Employment Law

Panel: Advanced Hiring Technologies and the Impact on People with Disabilities

In their search for talent, many companies have incorporated technologies powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning into their recruiting and hiring processes. These technologies have received increased attention from regulators, including the EEOC and legislative bodies in Illinois, Maryland, and New York City. Most of the attention, however, focuses on whether these technologies negatively impact candidates based on race, ethnicity, and/or gender. This panel will focus on how these technologies affect the hiring experience and opportunities for people with disabilities. Panelists will discuss whether these technologies have a disparate impact on people with disabilities or can offer new opportunities for people with disabilities, and how companies can and should accommodate candidates with disabilities so that they can be properly evaluated during the hiring process.


  • Nathaniel M. Glasser, Epstein Becker & Green, P.C., Washington, DC
