The Buzz over at Google
Recently, Google launched Buzz, its own social media application that gives users – a new way to interact with a social network of statuses updates similar those found on Facebook and Twitter. The public backlash started almost immediately with Buzz users complaining about hard to understand privacy controls and their address books seemingly exposed to all of their Google contacts. Users contacted Google and blogs and with their immediate, first impression feedback; within days, Google was "re-launching" Buzz with a statement acknowledging the part user-feedback played in the decision.
This was a great example of how effective the organized voice of the user can be when companies hear it. With the "Take Back Your Privacy" campaign, we are working hard to create ways to amplify your voice to Internet companies and businesses and tell them that you need to be included in conversations about how privacy controls are created and how your data is being shared.
You can tell Google how you feel about Buzz and get answers to your questions by visiting their forum and posing your questions and comments directly to the company. This is how you can continue to put pressure on companies to keep user privacy in the control of the user – where it belongs!