Submit Questions to FCC Chairman Genachowski
Today, YouTube announced a fantastic opportunity for Internet users to get engaged and participate in the discussions surrounding the launch of the FCC's National Broadband Plan next Tuesday. Through CitizenTube, users can submit questions to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and vote for their favorites. A selection of the top-voted questions will be asked to the Chairman during a webcast interview scheduled for next Tuesday.
The use of personal information is considered vital to the success of many new and emerging technologies, but meeting consumer expectations on privacy should also be taken into account. CDT has been actively involved in the discussions surrounding the National Broadband Plan and has filed several sets of comments with the Commission raising questions about the use of personal information and privacy in a broadband world. Youtube has presented an opportunity for citizens to ask important questions directly to the Chairman and raise awareness of the important privacy issues that should be taken into account when the National Broadband Plan is announced next week.
If personal information usage and privacy are important to you, you might want to consider posing any of the following questions in your own YouTube video:
· What principles and standards are being put in place to meet existing consumer expectations of privacy?
· Are certain types of data (locational information, health data, etc) considered more sensitive than others?
· Do companies that provide access to third-party applications have any responsibility if one of those apps is found to violate a consumer's privacy?
As always, CDT applauds organizations and agencies taking opportunities to solicit public comments and opinions in their work. Wherever your inspiration comes from we hope you'll participate; we look forward to seeing a lively, open discussion.