PrivacyCamp is Coming to a City Near You
In the next 20 days, CDT will be participating in two PrivacyCamp events – one in DC and a second in San Francisco (a third event is also being planned in Toronto for June). PrivacyCamp is an “unconference” – a space to meet with, discuss, debate, and share knowledge about privacy with engineers, privacy advocates, academics. We meet in the morning to determine the day’s agenda and topics, and then break out into groups for sessions.
PrivacyCamp provides a unique opportunity to talk not only about technology privacy, but a great place for a solid “reality check” from players across the tech spectrum. We aim to bridge the gap between technologists and policy makers, aligning the interests of the industry and turning theory into practice.
To learn more, or check out posts from previous events, check out the PrivacyCamp blog.