Porn Shorn From Free WiFi Internet Proposal
The so-called porn free wireless Internet proposal that FCC Chairman Martin aggressively pursued since last summer has quietly been laid to rest. Martin’s proposal to auction off a slice of spectrum and then require that 25 percent of it be turned into a free, nationwide wireless network deserved careful consideration by the Commission. But Martin’s novel idea was burdened by a censorship requirement that was so preposterous, it rendered the proposal dead on arrival. Under the plan, the network operator would have been required to filter or block all so-called “pornographic” text and images, including any such content that might be “harmful” to a five-year-old. This mind-numbing and plainly unconstitutional requirement would have reduced the new broadband service to a kindergarten classroom, undermining its value to bridge the digital divide and making it a highly unattractive business proposition for network operators. More than twenty groups signed on to our comments in opposition to the plan. Now Martin says that he hopes to return to consideration of the broadband proposal at an upcoming meeting. But it remains to be seen whether the lame-duck Chairman can muster the support of fellow Commissioners, regardless of the merits of the proposal. Overreaching has its price.