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The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

CDT Joins International Coalition Calling for Withdrawal of Draft Indian Telco Bill – Provisions Threaten End-to-End Encryption

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

Press Release: Women of Color Political Candidates in US Targeted with the Worst Online Abuse

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Women of Color Political Candidates in the US Endure Most Severe Online Abuse, Mis- and Disinformation

Graphic for a CDT report, entitled "An Unrepresentative Democracy: How Disinformation and Online Abuse Hinder Women of Color Political Candidates in the United States." Illustration depicting a woman's leg in kitten heel stomping on malicious social media posts while casting a shadow of the U.S. capital building.

An Unrepresentative Democracy: How Disinformation and Online Abuse Hinder Women of Color Political Candidates in the United States

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

CDT Europe Director Testifies before European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry on Pegasus

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

Courts Recognize Constitutional Harms from Invasive School Surveillance

Logo of the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC). Black text on a white background, with multi-colored squares (dark orange, dark yellow, dark blue, and light blue / green) forming a + symbol.

Global Encryption Coalition: Turkey’s authoritarian slide takes aim at encryption

CDT Comments to New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection on Proposed Regulations on Automated Employment Decision Tools. White document on a grey background.

CDT Comments to New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection on Proposed Regulations on Automated Employment Decision Tools

CDT report, entitled "Digital Identity Verification: Best Practices for Public Agencies." A bust divided in half; the bottom is dark blue, while the top is dark purple and covered in halftone patterns. Sitting on top of a noisy blue and white gradient.

Digital Identity Verification: Best Practices for Public Agencies

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

What do Public Agencies Need to Know about Digital Identity Verification?

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

Changing Governance at W3C

A research brief from the CDT Civic Tech team, entitled "Hidden Harms: Targeting LGBTQ+ Students." Black text on a white background.

Brief – Hidden Harms: Targeting LGBTQ+ Students