Latest Insights

CDT responds to European Commission consultation on IPR Enforcement: no new legislation necessary

European Data Protection Authorities Chime in on Privacy Shield

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Written evidence submitted to the Public Bill Committee regarding the Investigatory Powers Bill

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

CDT Co-signed Letter to the EC on Copyright Reform

EU-US Privacy Shield Offers Partial Response to a Wider Issue

A Conversation on Privacy Shield with FTC Commissioner Brill

EU’s “Right to Be Forgotten” Policy Sets Bad Precedent for Free Expression Worldwide

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

CDT & PEN American Center Intervene in Big Brother Watch vs. UK Case

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

CDT & PI Third-Party Intervention

UK Draft Investigatory Powers Bill Would Not Provide Sufficient Oversight of Surveillance

The European Parliament Calls for Intermediary Liability Protection and Availability of Encryption in its DSM Strategy Report

A Framework for Assessing Zero Rating Arrangements