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The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Google Settles Lawsuit with Book Publishers and Authors

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Aligning Words and Deeds With Human Rights

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Quick Start to “Quiet” Month

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Another Free Speech Victory Against the FCC

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

EU Follows U.S. Legislative Effort to Promote Global Internet Freedom

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Chertoff’s Defense of REAL ID is “Dead Wrong”

The CDT logo. A dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Testimony of Deirdre Mulligan