Letter to Senate Opposing Lieberman-Collins Cyber Security Act
More than 30 privacy, free market, civil liberties and open government groups have issued a letter calling on Senators to oppose the Lieberman-Collins Cyber Security Act and support amendments to address privacy and civil liberties concerns.
This is the first time that the groups, many of which opposed CISPA in the House, have spoken collectively about the lead Senate cybersecurity bill, S. 2105. Signatories to the letter span the political spectrum and include CDT, the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Conservative Union, the Free Press Action Fund, FreedomWorks, Consumer Federation of America, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Democrats.com and the Republican Liberty Caucus.
Among other things, the letter criticizes the breadth of the information sharing provisions and decries the broad “monitoring” and “countermeasures” authorities conferred in the bill as ill-defined and unjustified.