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CDT Comments to FCC on Re-Imposing Net Neutrality

CDT submitted comments supporting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to re-impose net neutrality rules on broadband providers.

In these comments, CDT argues that the FCC should re-impose the core net neutrality rules (no blocking, no throttling, no paid priority) on broadband providers, and the best way to do that under current law is through reclassification of broadband services as a “Title II” telecommunications service. Such classification would enable the FCC to monitor and take action as needed in areas such as zero rating, interconnection disputes, and 5G network slicing if they cause harm.

This classification would also have privacy benefits, as the new classification will allow the FCC to impose Section 222, the telecom privacy provision, on broadband providers. The FCC should begin a broadband privacy proceeding with haste.

Read the comments.