CDT at SXSW Interactive 2010
Here's our blog coverage of SXSW so far:
Smackdown: Consumer Privacy vs. Advertiser Revenue
SXSW: Of Tech, Nerds, and New Media
How the Internet Gave Women a Voice in Iran: A brief history
Expectations of Privacy
Open Government Awesomeness
The Lifeblood of SXSW
UPDATE 3/15 2:37 PM: We're listening to the CEO of Twitter, Evan Williams for today's SXSW Keynote. Twitter is launching an "anywhere" framework that connects users directly from the web without having to interact with directly, featured on partnered sites. It seems like a cool idea but I'm hoping that it's opened up to the general public. We'd love to have users connect directly with us via Twitter from an article, and this would make it easy.
UPDATE 3/15 12:30 PM: Adam and I just attended a panel on the impending FCC Broadband Plan. We saw examples of some very exciting technologies meant to aid citizens, but no mention of privacy. I stepped up to the microphone and asked why privacy hadn't been addressed. Mohit Kaushal of the FCC stated that privacy is embedded into every step of the plan. CDT will be reporting the FCC broadband plan very soon.
Cyrus Nemati addresses the panelists at SXSW 2010's "FCC Broadband Plan" panel.
UPDATE 3/14 11:00 AM: Salaam! I'm at "2009 Iran Election: Women's Revolution? Twitter Revolution" I'm very excited as I'm getting in touch with my Persian heritage and this will likely be an exciting panel about organic social change spurred by technology.
UPDATE 3/14 9:22 AM: Everyone here at SXSW is feeling Daylight Savings Time just a little bit more than the rest of the world. It's horrific timing as today promises some of the best panels of the entire conference. I'm looking forward to a panel on the Iranian Twitter revolution and a sneak peek on how Gmail works. It's gonna get nerdy!
UPDATE 3/13 5:00 PM: I'm at "Big Brother on the Big Screen: Fact / Fiction," examining some of the myths and facts of how the government can spy on citizens. Adam is learning "How to Spark a Movement in the 21st Century."
UPDATE 3/13 3:30 PM: I'm at "View Source Has a Posse," examining the boon that View Source has been to web developers, the current state of the web's openness in a source respect, and potential for the future of View Source. Adam is checking out "Media Armageddon: What Happens when the New York Times Dies," hypothesizing the future of media.
UPDATE 3/13 2:00 PM: We're listening to danah boyd's keynote on social networks and generational privacy paradigms.
UPDATE 3/13 11:00 AM: I'm at the Community Developer Summit, where panelists are discussing innovative methods of encouraging user-generated content. Adam is joining the Citizen Journalism Brigade, where panelists are discussing how to amplify the voices of citizen journalists.
UPDATE 3/12 3:15 PM: Just enjoyed the "In Code We Trust: Open Government Awesomeness" panel while Adam was surrounded by the Advertising Amalgam at "Smackdown: Consumer Privacy vs. Advertiser Revenue." I'm now waiting for "Selling Your Milk When the Cow is Free," which extols the virtues of using open-source software even when profits are at stake, while Adam attends the annual SXSW must-see "Battledecks," which I am obviously not seeing. Look forward to reports from us on the panels we attended later.
UPDATE 3/12 1:20 PM: We're here at the Austin Convention Center waiting for the festivities to begin! Panels begin in 40 minutes, and we're working on a location data post. Everyone else here is blogging like crazy, why not us? Edit: I lied, still an hour left. I'm still on Eastern Time.
CDT will be at SXSW Interactive this year! We're looking forward to listening to some new ideas that will keep the Internet an exciting, innovative platform; as well as meeting with people like you who care about the Internet.
Watch this space for short updates on some of the panels we'll be watching. Be sure to be watching us on Twitter as well.
At the end of each day, we'll be blogging our thoughts drawn from panels on topics from consumer privacy to open government and everything in between. At SXSW, "the end of the day" is liberally interpreted, so check for our posts the next morning.
If you plan to be at SXSW and would like to meet with us, just drop either [email protected] or [email protected] an email.