The Supreme Court Takes Up Location Tracking
25 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC
On November 29, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Carpenter v. U.S., one of the most important technology policy cases pending at the Court this year. The Justices are expected to decide whether the Fourth Amendment permits the compelled, warrantless disclosure of increasingly precise and revealing stored cell phone location information.
Please join the Center for Democracy & Technology and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) on November 28 for an in-depth, expert discussion of the case, and of Senator Wyden’s GPS Act, which would require law enforcement to secure a warrant in order to obtain location information. Does the Fourth Amendment require a warrant for law enforcement to obtain cell phone location information? Should Congress step in? CDT believes that answer to both questions is a resounding “Yes,” and that how the Court, and Congress, treat location information will have an enormous impact on privacy rights, due process, and government transparency in the digital age.
The program will begin promptly at 9:30, so be sure to arrive by 9:15.
A panel discussion featuring experts in the law and technology surrounding law enforcement access to location information will follow Senator Wyden’s remarks. If you are able to join us for the event, please be sure to register soon, as space is very limited. We hope to see you there!