Heinz College Deliberate Discourse Initiative – The Shaping of Our Political Landscape: Technology, Disinformation & Polarization




Event graphic at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College, entitled "The Shaping of Our Political Landscape: Technology, Disinformation & Polarization."

The Shaping of Our Political Landscape: Technology, Disinformation & Polarization

Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Time: 12 to 1:15pm ET
Physical Watch Room – Hamburg Hall 1204 and Zoom
Watch Room and Virtual – ET

Social media platforms, massive data collection, and increasingly sophisticated software have created new ways to generate and spread convincing disinformation and misinformation at potentially massive scales, inevitably impacting the ways in which we engage with one another. While increasing access to information, engagement in politics and connecting people across the world, it’s also stoked social and political polarization. With the 2022 midterm elections around the corner, this panel will focus on how emerging technologies serve to shape both civil discourse and democratic governance, while examining how policy can be used to inform how the US protects its democratic ideals.


  • Zeve Sanderson – Director, Center for Social Media and Politics at New York University
  • Samir Jain – Director of Policy, Center for Democracy & Technology
  • Beth Schwanke – Executive Director, University of Pittsburgh Institute for Cyber Law, Policy & Security (Pitt Cyber) & the Pitt Disinformation Lab
  • Daniel Silverman, Assistant Professor, Institute for Politics and Strategy, Carnegie Mellon University

Register here.

The panel will happen virtually, but a physical room will be reserved to attend/watch the panel and lunch will be provided! Lunch will be provided to registrants.