Health Privacy

The security of personal health and healthcare data is an area of great societal importance, raising questions about privacy rights, ethics, and fair use of information. As health information, especially information that falls outside of federal privacy laws, is collected and stored in multiple venues — doctors’ offices, hospitals, pharmacies, walk-in clinics, blood and organ donor banks, activity trackers, and DNA mail-order test kits, to name a few — citizens should have greater knowledge of who holds their health-related data, whether it is shared or sold, how secure it is, how it is used, and whether it is being used for commercial gain.

CDT advocates for increased individual control over health and wellness-related information, inside and outside regulatory protections, and for constructive technical solutions inside of companies.

Recent Content

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Update from our CEO: CDT Leads Breakthrough Work on Gender Justice

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CDT Comments to NTIA Task Force on Kids Online Health & Safety Urge Protection of Rights

Graphic for CDT's European office. Pale blue / green pixelated background, with a portion of the EU flag's circle of stars emblazoned in white on top.

EU Tech Policy Brief: September 2023

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

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CDT Comments to CFPB Lay Out Data Broker Harms That Should Be Held Accountable

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CDT & ACLU Urge Meta Oversight Board to Protect Speech in Abortion-Related Cases

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