Who We Are

The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) is the leading nonpartisan, nonprofit organization fighting to advance civil rights and civil liberties in the digital age.

We shape technology policy, governance, and design with a focus on equity and democratic values. Established in 1994, CDT has been a trusted advocate for digital rights since the earliest days of the internet.

Mission & Principles

CDT works to promote democratic values by shaping technology policy and architecture, with a focus on the rights of the individual. We will:

  • 1.

    Champion policies, laws, and technical designs that empower people to use technology for good while protecting against invasive, discriminatory, and exploitative uses.

  • 2.

    Insist online platforms be transparent, accountable, and respect human rights. Regulation should set limits on the collection and use of personal information and give people greater control.

  • 3.

    Curtail government censorship and enable all people to access and share information of their choosing without harassment or undue interference.

  • 4.

    Free people from unwarranted surveillance. Government surveillance should have strict, independent oversight and checks against bias.

  • 5.

    Reflect and support the global nature of the internet in our work.

How We Work

CDT brings together policymakers, scholars, public interest advocates, and industry leaders to find innovative and practical solutions to the policy challenges surrounding past, present, and future technologies.

This collaboration doesn’t always lead to consensus, but it often produces new ideas and solutions to align technology policy with civil rights, civil liberties, and democratic values.

We advocate to policymakers and the courts in the U.S. and Europe, engage with companies to improve their policies and product designs, and shape public opinion on major tech policy issues. In addition to our advocacy work, CDT’s research team produces deep-dive original scholarship to explore novel solutions to pressing issues in technology policy.

Who We Are

Our team of experts on both sides of the Atlantic has deep, cross-cutting knowledge and experience on issues relating to the internet and emerging technologies, including privacy, security, online expression, competition, and fostering healthy online civic space. We come from academia, private enterprise, government, and the nonprofit worlds to translate complex policy into action.

  1. Our Staff
  2. Our Board
  3. Advisory Council
  4. Fellows
  5. Collaborating Attorney Network

CDT’s 2022 Annual Report

In 2022 – at a pivotal time for democracy – CDT was at the forefront, advancing a tech policy agenda focused on equity and democratic values. Read more about how we took advantage of the year’s new beginnings in tech policy in our 2022 Annual Report.

Read Report

Cover graphic for the 2022 CDT annual report, entitled "A Path Forward for Democracy." Protest signs of varying messages in the background.

Where We Work

With offices in Washington, D.C. and Brussels, CDT’s advocacy is guided from these two power centers, having a global reach.


CDT receives support from a range of philanthropic foundations, companies, individuals, and court settlements (“cy pres” awards).

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Working Groups

One of CDT’s core strengths is our working groups, which bring together companies, trade associations, public interest groups, technologists, academics, and other stakeholders to exchange views and seek solutions to the most pressing internet policy challenges.

Collaborating Attorney Network

We simply could not advance our mission in the courts without the pro bono assistance provided by our network. We are proud that our volunteers have a diversity of experience and interest areas, and include major law firms, sole practitioners, and law school clinics.

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CDT Alumni Network

The Center for Democracy and Technology’s (CDT) Alumni Network is a diverse community of former CDTers. We foster connection among CDT alumni, providing a platform for continued engagement, professional development, and collaborative opportunities.

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Do the possibilities presented by an innovative, open, and free internet inspire you? Do you find yourself engaged in passionate discussions about privacy policies? Are you yearning to put your expertise to work on Internet neutrality legislation? If so, you might be a great fit for our team. View our open opportunities.

See Openings

Join Us

Want to get in contact with CDT? Send us a note – but we will flag first, we’re unable to respond personally to all messages received, but do review all messages and share them with relevant staff. Please note that CDT does not offer legal advice or provide legal referrals.

Contact Us
