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Privacy & Data, Reproductive Rights, Tech Talk

Tech Talk: Data Privacy After Roe v. Wade — Talking Tech with Alexandra Givens, Cecile Richards, Nabiha Syed at SXSW 2023

Graphic for CDT's podcast, entitled "CDT's Tech Talks." Hosted by Jamal Magby, and available on iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Dark grey text and app logos, as well as light blue text, on a white background.
Graphic for CDT’s podcast, entitled “CDT’s Tech Talks.” Hosted by Jamal Magby, and available on iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Dark grey text and app logos, as well as light blue text, on a white background.

CDT’s Tech Talk is a podcast where we dish on tech and Internet policy, while also explaining what these policies mean to our daily lives. You can find Tech Talk on SpotifySoundCloudiTunes, and Google Podcasts, as well as Stitcher and TuneIn.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a watershed moment for the privacy of people seeking reproductive care.

A person’s browser history, search history, location and private messages can be used by law enforcement or private citizens to pursue people who are suspected of having or aiding an abortion. When people’s most private digital information can be used against them, can tech companies change their practices to better protect their users’ privacy? As some states try to outlaw websites that tell people how to access abortion care, can advocates ensure that reliable health information remains online?

In this episode, you will hear from Alexandra Givens, President and CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT); Cecile Richards, former President of Planned Parenthood; and Nabiha Syed, President of The Markup, as they discuss ways advocates are working to protect users’ privacy and access to information at this critical moment for reproductive rights.


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Find more details about this 2023 SXSW featured session here.