CDT Joins Library & Research Orgs, EFF, and Public Knowledge in Weighing in on Sony v. Cox
The Center for Democracy & Technology joined the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the American Library Association, the Association of College and Research Libraries, the Association of Research Libraries, and Public Knowledge in filing an amicus brief with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Sony Music Entertainment v. Cox Communication, Inc.
The brief argues that the $1 billion verdict against the internet service provider Cox for failing to more aggressively terminate the accounts of subscribers who allegedly engaged in acts of copyright infringement was based on an incorrect view of the law and is contrary to the public interest.
At bottom, the threat of staggering damage awards would inevitably increase the frequency with which ISPs terminate subscriber accounts and thereby cut off users from an essential tool for participation in activities of daily life from education to access to healthcare to commerce. The verdict would therefore cause disproportionate harm to Internet users and the public and should be reversed.