Cybersecurity & Standards, Free Expression, Open Internet
CDT Joins 100+ Orgs in Urging Senate to Pass Save the Internet Act
June 11, 2019
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senate Majority Leader
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Majority Leader McConnell:
In April, the House of Representatives passed the Save the Internet Act (H.R.1644) with bipartisan support. This critical bill restores net neutrality and broadband competition protections for all Americans, ensuring that rural and underserved communities gain access to the internet and that big cable companies are not able to control what people do, see, and say online.
We the undersigned 103 organizations urge you to listen to the American public and to immediately bring the Save the Internet Act (S.682) to a vote in the Senate.
In the year since the FCC took away the 2015 Open Internet Order, we have seen some very troubling and dangerous activities by big cable and telephone companies.
Despite empty rhetoric by open internet opponents, the 2015 Open Internet Order did not harm broadband investment from 2015-2017, nor is broadband investment, deployment, or speed increasing since the FCC’s repeal.