The Future of Speech Online: Making Transparency Meaningful

** Day 1 recording available here. ** // [ Raw, automated transcript for Day 1 available here. ]
** Day 2 recording available here. ** // [ Raw, automated transcript for Day 2 available here. ]
** Day 3 recording available here. ** // [ Raw, automated transcript for Day 3 available here. ]
Transparency is in high demand in tech policy: Advocates are calling for more information to help fight discrimination and empower users to speak online, researchers are seeking access to data to better understand the online environment, and lawmakers are demanding answers from tech companies at high-profile hearings. Whether people are concerned about online services restricting too much, too little, or not the right speech, everyone seems to agree that more transparency would improve the status quo.
But what do we mean by transparency? What kinds of information do people actually want, and what problems will it help us solve?
The fifth annual Future of Speech Online event, which takes place on December 14-16, 2021, from 12-2 pm each day, will tackle these questions and more. Join us for:
- in-depth discussions about how to take a user-centric approach to transparency and what kinds of hurdles stand in the way of independent research on social media services;
- an interactive session on building a better transparency report;
- reflections on the global advocacy campaign around the Santa Clara Principles, and what’s coming next; and
- a lively discussion of whether transparency mandates will hold up in court in the US, the EU, and around the world.
Registrants are invited to attend one session, several, or all.
A full agenda, as well as registration, speakers, and sponsor information, is available here. We hope to see you there!
Accessibility: If you have access needs or questions, please contact [email protected] in advance of the event.
Questions about the event: Please contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns about the event.
Questions for speakers: To submit questions for speakers in advance, please contact us at [email protected]. Questions will be accepted during each event via email or the chat feature.
Hosted by the Center for Democracy & Technology and the Charles Koch Institute, the Future of Speech Online conference is an annual event that brings together policymakers, media, academics, corporations, advocates, and thought leaders to discuss today’s most pressing issues around free speech online.