Analysis of USA PATRIOT Act by CDT and Others |
Analysis of USA Patriot Act as enacted:
- CDT Analysis of PATRIOT Act Sunsets [pdf], May 7, 2004
- CDT's Printable PATRIOT Act Brochure: What's Wrong with the PATRIOT Act and How To Fix It, October 2003
- "The Patriot Act's Impact on the Government's Ability to Conduct Electronic Surveillance of Ongoing Domestic Communications" by Nathan C. Henderson, Duke Law Journal, October 2002
- "The USA PATRIOT Act: A Legal Analysis," [pdf] by Charles Doyle, Congressional Research Service, 78 page summary and analysis [pdf], April 15, 2002
- "The USA PATRIOT Act: A Sketch," [pdf] by CRS, 5 page overview, April 18, 2002
- Collection of articles in "Human Rights," the journal of the American Bar Association Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section, Winter 2002
- Congressional Research Service Analysis of USA PATRIOT [pdf], December 10, 2001
- American Library Association materials
- Potential Implications for Information Technologies in Colleges and Universities, Tracy Mitrano, Policy Advisor for Cornell's Office of Information Technologies
- EFF Report on the Sunset Provisions, [pdf] [html] Dec. 2001
- Analysis by Nancy Chang, Center for Constitutional Rights, Nov. 2001
- DOJ Field Guidance on New Authorities Enacted in the 2001 Anti-Terrorism Legislation [pdf] Oct 2001.
- Analysis of Key Provisions by the law firm of Piper Marbury, Ruddnick, Oct. 31, 2001
- EFF Analysis of the Provisions of The USA PATRIOT Act that Relate to Online Activities, Oct. 31, 2001
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights on Immigration Provisions in the Bill As Enacted, Oct. 26, 2001
- ACLU analyses of key issues in final terrorism bill, Oct. 23, 2001
Analysis of Earlier Drafts of USA Patriot Act:
- Civil liberties letter on "sneak and peek" searches, Oct. 19, 2001
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Update on Immigration Provisions, Oct. 15, 2001
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Update on Immigration Provisions, Oct. 10, 2001
- Sen. Leahy's Summary of USA Act, Oct. 5, 2001
- Senate Judiciary Committee staff analysis of USA Act, [pdf] Oct. 5, 2001
- Preliminary EPIC comparison of Senate bill and PATRIOT Act, [pdf] Oct. 4, 2001
- Free Congress Foundation letter to Members of Congress, Oct. 2, 2001
- Eagle Forum letter to Congress, Oct. 2, 2001
- Analysis of differences between Administration bill (ATA) and Sensenbrenner/Conyers bill (PATRIOT Act), prepared by Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe, [pdf] October 2, 2001
- American Civil Liberties Union Analysis of Anti-Terrorism Legislation before the House, [pdf] Oct. 2, 2001
- Center for National Security Studies, [pdf] Oct. 1, 2001
- EFF backgrounder on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), Sept. 27, 2001
- EFF preliminary analysis of ATA's effects on FISA power, Sept. 27, 2001
- EPIC's analysis of the ATA provisions affecting communications and information privacy, Sept. 24, 2001
- EFF analysis of Sept. 13 Senate amendments, Sept. 21, 2001
- CDT Comments on Administration Proposal, Sept. 21, 2001 [pdf]
- ACLU Comments on Administration proposal, Sept. 20, 2001
- Analysis by Mort Halperin, Council on Foreign Relations, [pdf] Sept. 20, 2001
- The Nature and Scope of Governmental Electronic Surveillance Activity - CDT Overview, Sept. 2001
- CDT analysis from 2000 - The language adopted by the Senate on Sept. 13, 2001 to expand the reach of pen register and trap and trace surveillances was first proposed in 2000. CDT's analysis and recommendations for a more effective and focused solution are available at