Secrecy |
- Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, "Homefront Confidential: How the War on Terrorism Affects Access to Information and the Public's Right to Know," fifth edition, September
- Rep. Henry A. Waxman's examination of secrecy in the Bush Administration, Sept. 2004
- Letter to Sec. Tom Ridge, August 27, 2003
- DC Circuit Court of Appeals decision ruling 2-1 in favor of the government in CNSS v DOJ, overturning Judge Kessler's August 2002 ruling that the names of post 9/11 detainees must be released, June 17, 2003.
http://pacer.cadc.uscourts.gov/docs/common/opinions/200306/02-5254a.pdf. The record of case in its entirety can be viewed at http://www.cnss.gwu.edu/~cnss/cnssvdoj.htm.
- Center for Progressive Regulation, Fact Sheet on Department of Homeland Security Proposed Rule for Handling Critical Infrastructure Information, [pdf] June 2003
- OMB Watch, Analysis of the "Sensitive But Unclassified" provisions in the Homeland Security Act [pdf], June 11, 2003.
- OMB Watch, Analysis of Department of Homeland Security's Proposed Rule on Critical Infrastructure Information, [pdf] June 9, 2003
- "Congressional Access to Information: Using Legislative Will
and Leverage," by Louis Fisher, Duke Law Journal, Volume 52, No.
2, November 2002
- "Executive Privilege Revived?: Secrecy and Conflict During the
Bush Conflict," by Mark J. Rozell, Duke Law Journal, Volume 52,
No. 2, November 2002
- Report by the Constitution Project's Liberty and Security Initiative criticizing Administration secrecy and calling for release of detainees names [Word], June 4, 2003
- Letter signed by 22 organizations opposing FOIA exemption for NSA's operational files, May 16, 2003
- Congressional Research Service, "'Sensitive But Unclassified' and Other Federal Security Controls on Scientific and Technical Information: History and Current Controversy," [pdf] April 2, 2003
- DOJ information on FOIA and amended Executive Order on National Security Classification, April 11, 2003
- "Beyond the Balancing Test: National Security and Open Government in the United States," [pdf] by Tom Blanton, National Security Archive, April, 2003
- New executive order on national security classification policy, March 25, 2003
- A Common Cause Report: Agenda For Secrecy The Homeland Security Act was supposed to fight terrorism, not shield corporate wrongdoers, March 14, 2003
- Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, "Homefront Confidential," March 2003
- Freedom Forum's First Amendment Center, "Press Not Spotlighting Government Secrecy 'Cloak'" by Harry F. Rosenthal, March 17, 2003
- Draft DOD directive, Mandatory Procedures for Research and Technology Protection Within the DoD, March 2002
- Possible Impacts of Major Counter Terrorism Security Actions on Research, Development, and Higher Education [pdf], by Congressional Research Sserice specialist Genevieve J. Knezo, April 8, 2002 (courtesy of InsideDefense.com)
- "The Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2002" (HR 4187), overturning the Bush Administration's November 1, 2001 executive order which imposed new restrictions on public access to presidential records from past administrations
- White House memo on "sensitive but unclassified" information ("Card memo") and DOJ guidance, Mar. 19. 2002
- Coalition letter opposing Bennett-Kyl legislation exempting critical infrastructure information from FOIA, Nov. 26, 2001
- OMB Watch list of government information removed from public access since 9/11
- Memo of AG Ashcroft urging agencies to withhold information under FOIA, Oct. 12, 2001
- OMB Watch list of government information removed from public access since 9/11