General Overviews |
General Overviews
- "Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends," [pdf] updated
December 21, 2004
- Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF), "A Secure America in a Secure World," Sept. 2004
- "Homefront Confidential: How the war on terrorism affects access to information and the public's right to know," by the Reporters Committee on Freedom of the Press (Sept 2004)
- Archive of CRS reports on Terrorism & Homeland Security, maintained by the Thurgood Marshall Law Library of the University of Maryland School of Law
- Kate Martin, Center for National Security Studies, "Domestic Intelligence and Civil Liberties," 7 SAIS Review vol. XXIV no. 1 (Winter-Spring 2004)
- Democratic members of the House Select Committee on Homeland Security, "America at Risk: Closing the Security Gap," February 2004
- Summary of Recent Court Rulings on Terrorism-Related Matters Having Civil Liberties Implications, Center for Constitutional Rights, February 4, 2004
- Final report of the Gilmore Commission (the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction) (Dec. 2003) Gilmore Commission website
- The Rutherford Institute, Operation Eroding Freedom: Civil Liberties and the War on Terrorism
- Vinson & Elkins. The lawfirm of Vinson & Elkins maintains a website with a comprehensive list of antiterrorism initiatives, many of them affecting businesses -- everything from airlines to the textile industry. Links to all laws and regulatory actions. http://www.velaw.com/client_services/client_services_info.cfm?id=59
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, "Assessing the New Normal," (Sept. 2003) - examines changes to U.S. law and security policy in five areas: government openness; personal privacy; immigration; security-related detention; and the effect of U.S. actions on international human rights standards.
- Tolerance, Civil Rights and Justice in Wake of September 11, Reports of the State Advisory Committees to the US Commission on Civil Rights (September 2003)
- Progressive Policy Institute, Report Card on Homeland Security [pdf] (giving the Administration a "D"), July 2003
- "The War on Our Freedoms: Civil Liberties in an Age of Terrorism," Century Foundation, June 2003
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, "Imbalance of Powers: How Changes to U.S. Law and Policy since 9/11 Erode Human Rights and Civil Liberties," [pdf] March 11, 2003
- ACLU, "Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society," Jan 2003.
- America Still Unprepared - America Still in Danger [pdf], report of an independent task force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations, Oct. 2002
- Stephen Schulhofer, "The Enemy Within: Intelligence Gathering, Law Enforcement and Civil Liberties in the Wake of September 11," A Century Foundation Report, Sept. 2002.
- Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Preserving Our Liberties While Fighting Terrorism [pdf] A CATO Institute Policy Analysis by Timothy Lynch
- ACLU, "Insatiable Appetite: The Government's Demand for New and Unnecessary Powers after September 11" [pdf]
- ACLU, "Civil Liberties After 9/11" [pdf]
- Markle Foundation, Task Force on National Security in the Information Age, "Protecting America's Freedom in the Information Age," Oct. 7, 2002
- Reporters Without Borders, "11 September 2001 - 11 September 2002: The Internet on probation," Sept 2002
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, "A Year of Loss: Reexamining Civil Liberties Since September 11," Sept 5, 2002.