- John Podesta, America's Secret History: Securing Our Future By Embracing Open Government, March 10, 2004
- DOJ materials on current topics in FOIA policy explored in a Justice Department conference
for government FOIA officers, July 2003
- Genevieve Knezo, Congressional Research Service, "'Sensitive But Unclassified' and Other Federal Security Controls on Scientific and Technical Information: History and Current Controversy," [pdf] April 2003
- HR 2526, "Restoration of Freedom of Information Act of 2003," introduced June 2003 by Reps. Frank and Udall, corresponds to a similar Senate measure, S. 609, introduced in March by Senators Leahy and Levin
- Justice Department interpretation of the requirements of the Homeland Security FOIA exemption January 27, 2003
- House debate on the FOIA exemption, July 26, 2002
- Press release from Sen. Patrick Leahy on the Senate FOIA exemption, July 25, 2002
- ACLU press release and letter to Senate Governmental Affairs Committee outlining practical examples of the kind of information that might be at risk under the overbroad House approach, July 24, 2002
- OMB Watch's Homeland Security Page - materials on FOIA issues in the Homeland Security Bill
- Letter from CDT and others opposing broad FOIA exemption, July 10, 2002
- Letter from journalists, editors and publishers opposing FOIA exemption [pdf], July 10, 2002