Legislative Proposals to Fix the PATRIOT Act |
- Civil Liberties Restoration Act, S. 2528 (Kennedy) -- amends Section 215 to ensure appropriate checks and balances; ensures access to evidence; requires accurate criminal databases; mandates data mining reports; ends secret hearings and special registration; ensures due process for detainees.
- Security and Freedom Ensured Act, H.R. 3352 (Otter) -- amends sneak & peek, Section 215, John Doe roving tap authority, and the definition of domestic terrorism to include appropriate checks & balances; also sunsets additional provisions of the PATRIOT Act in 2005
- Protecting the Rights of Individuals Act, S. 1552 (Murkowski, Wyden) -- amends sneak & peek, definition of domestic terrorism, Section 215, John Doe roving taps, pen/traps for the Internet, access to education records, "significant" purpose test and use of FISA evidence at trial to include appropriate checks & balances; also imposes moratorium on data mining and requires additional public reporting on the FBI's use of FISA
- Security and Freedom Ensured Act, S. 1709 (Craig, Durbin) -- amends sneak & peek, Section 215 and John Doe roving tap authority to include appropriate checks & balances; also sunsets additional provisions of the PATRIOT Act in 2005
- PATRIOT Oversight Restoration Act, S. 1695 (Leahy, Craig) -- sunsets additional provisions of the PATRIOT Act in 2005
- Reasonable Notice and Search Act, S. 1701 (Feingold) -- amends sneak & peek provision to add stronger judicial and congressional oversight
- Library, Bookseller, and Personal Records Privacy Act, S. 1507 (Feingold) -- amends Section 215 to add stronger judicial and congressional oversight
- Library and Bookseller Protection Act, S. 1158 (Boxer) -- ensures that the FBI cannot obtain library and bookstore records with only a secret rubber-stamp court order
- Domestic Surveillance Oversight Act, S. 436 (Leahy, Grassley, Specter) -- requires additional public reporting on the FBI's use of FISA
- Freedom to Read Protection Act, H.R. 1157 (Sanders) -- ensures that the FBI cannot obtain library and bookstore records with only a secret rubber-stamp court order
- Surveillance Oversight and Disclosure Act, H.R. 2429 (Hoeffel) -- requires additional public reporting on the FBI's use of FISA
- Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act, H.R. 3171 (Kucinich) -- repeals sections of the PATRIOT Act as well as other guidelines and regulations