Domestic Intelligence Agency and TTIC |
- 9/11 Commission Web Site
- Call For Checks & Balances: A Civil Liberties Perspective for Evaluating the 9/11 Commission Report and Recommendations for Oversight and Accountability as Essential Components of Intelligence Reform [pdf], July 21, 2004
- Kate Martin, Center for National Security Studies, "Domestic Intelligence and Civil Liberties," 7 SAIS Review vol. XXIV no. 1 (Winter-Spring 2004)
- FBI Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) - FBI message circulated through the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (November 28, 2003) - "When a patrol officer runs a name check query on a subject through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the system will now include a check for any known or suspected links to terrorism."
- "'Nobody is safe from' scrutiny of program" by Paul Shukovsky and Mike Barber, Seattle Post-Intelligencer (November 29, 2003) - about Washington State's LINX database
- FBI intelligence bulletin on collection of information by local police, October 15, 2003
- Testimony of Jerry Berman before House Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees, July 22, 2003
- C-SPAN Video of House Judiciary and Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Terrorist Threat Analysis, July 22, 2003 [RealPlayer]
- Todd Masse, Congressional Research Service, "Domestic Intelligence in the United Kingdom: Applicability of the MI-5 Model to the United States" May 19, 2003
- Testimony of Winston P. Wiley, chair of the TTIC senior steering group, before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, February 26, 2003
- A description of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, whose mission appears to overlap significantly with that of the TTIC
- White House materials about the TTIC, February 14, 2003
Fact Sheet President's Remarks
- Press release of Sen. John Edwards on his bill to establish a Homeland Intelligence Agency, February 13, 2003
- President Bush's proposal to establish a Terrorism Threat Integration Center, Jan. 28, 2003
- Domestic Intelligence Agencies: The Mixed Record of the UK's MI5 [pdf] by Jim Dempsey, January 27, 2003
- Americans Do Not Need a New Domestic Spy Agency to Improve Intelligence and Homeland Security by Larry M. Wortzel, Heritage Foundation, January 10, 2003
- Homeland Security Begins at Home, by Bruce Reed and Jose Cerda III, Democratic Leadership Conference, Blueprint Magazine, July 29, 2002