Data Mining and Information Sharing |
Congressional Research Service, "Data Mining: An Overview," [pdf], updated May 3, 2004
- Letter to Sen. Akaka from CDT, ACLU, EPIC May 26, 2004
- Technologies That Can Protect Privacy as Information is Shared to Combat Terrorism, May 26, 2004
- Justice Department Fact Sheet on the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan May 2004
- Information on the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan and its supporting documents
- Report to the Attorney General and the Director of Central Intelligence from the Joint Task Force on Intelligence and Law Enforcement, May 1995
- Report of the Pentagon's Technology and Privacy Advisory Committee, Safeguarding Privacy in the Fight Against Terrorism [pdf], March 2004
- Mary DeRosa, Data Mining and Data Analysis for Counterterrorism [pdf], Center for Strategic and International Studies, March 2004
- FBI template MOU signed by local governments participating in FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces.
- DHS Privacy Office, Report to the Public on Events Surrounding jetBlue Data Transfer, February 20, 2004
- CDT Fact Sheet on Data Mining Programs and Other Government Uses of Commercial Data, October 16, 2003
- The Citizens' Protection in Federal Databases Act, S. 1484
- Jim Dempsey Testimony on Defense of Privacy Act and Data Mining, July 22, 2003
- CDT Report - Privacy's Gap: The Largely Non-Existent Legal Framework for Government Mining of Commercial Data [pdf], May 28, 2003
- Progressive Policy Institute report Using Technology to Detect and Prevent Terrorism Jan. 18, 2002
Total Information Awareness
- Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Total Information Awareness & Beyond: The Dangers of Using Data Mining Technology to Prevent Terrorism, [pdf] July 2004
- Total Information Awareness Program, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Defense, December 12, 2003 http://www.dodig.osd.mil/audit/reports/FY04/04-033.pdf
- The National Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108-87, September 30, 2003) http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ087.108 - Section 8131 eliminated funding for the majority of TIA program components.
- Heritage Foundation Legal Memorandum #8 - Proposals for Implementing the Terrorism Information Awareness System by Paul Rosenzweig, August 7, 2003
- DARPA's Report on the Total Information Awareness Program, [pdf] May 20, 2003
- Response by CDT and Other Civil Liberties Organizations to TIA Report, May 20, 2003
- Letter by CDT and other civil liberties groups calling for TIA report to be made public (sent to Secretary Rumsfeld, Director Tenet and Attorney General Ashcroft), May 13, 2003
- Congressional Research Service, "Privacy: Total Information Awareness Programs and Related Information Access, Collection, and Protection Laws," [pdf] February 14, 2003
- Sen. Wyden's amendment limiting deployment of Total Information Awareness (TIA) [pdf], February 3, 2003
- Letter by CDT and other civil liberties groups supporting the Wyden TIA amendment, January 30, 2003
- Letter from the Association for Computing Machinery's U.S. Public Policy Committee, January 23, 2003
- Sen. Feingold's legislation for a moratorium on the development of the Total Information Awareness (TIA) project [pdf], January 16, 2003
- Sen. Wyden's legislation for a moratorium on TIA, January 16, 2003
- Sen. Harkin's Letter Requesting a TIA Hearing, January 13, 2003
- Senate Amendments Blocking TIA [pdf], Jan. 17, 2003
- Letter from nonpartisan coalition of public interest organizations to key Republicans and Democrats on Armed Services, Defense Appropriations, Government Reform and Affairs, Judiciary, and Homeland Security Committees about datamining and Total Information Awareness, [pdf], January 14, 2003
- Letter from Sens. Leahy, Feingold, Cantwell posing questions on datamining and other issues [pdf], Jan 10, 2003
- Pentagon Total Information Awareness program website
- Center for Public Integrity, "Outsourcing Big Brother: Office of Total Information Awareness
Relies on Private Sector to Track Americans" by Adam Mayle and Alex
Knott, Dec. 17, 2002
- Sen. Grassley's Letter Requesting an Inspector General Investigation of TIA, November 22, 2002
- Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Americans, by John Markoff, New York Times, Nov. 9, 2002
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Total Information Awareness, Speech by Adm. John Poindexter, Aug. 2, 2002
Secure Flight/CAPPS II
- GAO, Aviation Security: Measures for Testing the Impact of Using Commercial Data for the Secure Flight Program [pdf] (2005)
- TSA Documents on Secure Flight Testing Phase, September 24, 2004:
- Commitee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, hearing on "Aviation Security," June 22, 2004
- Letter by CDT and other civil liberties groups calling for congressional hearings on CAPPS II [pdf], February 17, 2004
- GAO Report: Computer-Assisted Passenger Prescreening System Faces Significant Implementation Challenges, February 2004
- CDT Comments on Notice of Status of System of Records, Sept. 30, 2003
- Policy Post 9.16: CAPPS II Gets Broader, Narrower in New Privacy Act Notice, July 31, 2003
- TSA's Interim Privacy Act Notice on CAPPS II [pdf], July 31, 2003"
- Edward Hasbrouck's presentation at CFP, April 3, 2003 - includes maps of the data flows and intermediaries between the passenger and the federal government under the proposed CAPPS II, the overall personal data architecture of the air travel industry, and a sample PNR and corresponding AIRIMP message.
- Materials on TSA's "No-Fly" watch list obtained by EPIC in FOIA lawsuit
- Letter by CDT and other civil liberties groups raising questions about the effectiveness and privacy implications of CAPPS II, March 25, 2003
- Letter by CDT and other civil liberties groups in support of Wyden amendment calling for report on CAPPS II, March 12, 2003
- CDT's Privacy Act Comments on the Transportation Security Administration's New Data Collection and Analysis Program [pdf], February 24, 2003
Information Sharing