Government Surveillance, Privacy & Data
White House Adds Needed Momentum to Privacy Protection Legislation
Today, the White House announced its support for a series of measures, including numerous legislative initiatives, to help protect the privacy of consumers and citizens in the digital age. The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) has long called for comprehensive consumer privacy legislation and supports the President’s efforts. CDT will work with the White House, Congress, industry, and civil society to encourage advancement and adoption of the President’s proposals.
“As we navigate our digital lives, there is no more fundamental issue to address than our personal privacy. The President’s proposals demonstrate his commitment to protecting the privacy of American consumers and families. Congress should quickly take up the President’s legislative proposals,” said Nuala O’Connor, CDT President & CEO.
The White House’s proposals specifically cover legislation to address identity theft and data breach response, student privacy, and a broader consumer privacy bill of rights.
“For too long, it has been America’s companies taking the lead in protecting the privacy of consumers without clear or consistent guidance from government. It’s time we have comprehensive privacy legislation to help build consumer trust, promote technological innovation, and create a digital framework that respects the right to privacy in our daily lives,” O’Connor added.
“Even with these proposed reforms, we must not forget about government surveillance reform. Without the end to the mass surveillance practices of the US government, any privacy reform is woefully incomplete,” O’Connor concluded.