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Government Surveillance

Verizon Commits to Greater Transparency on Law Enforcement Demands

The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) welcomes Verizon’s announcement today that it will regularly publish a transparency report disclosing law enforcement request for customer information, and released the following statement:

“Verizon’s commitment to periodically report on the number of law enforcement demands it receives for customer data is a welcome development because it’s the first time a U.S.-based telecom has taken this step. Verizon customers will now know more about the extent to which their communications may be turned over to law enforcement, and the public will have a better grasp of the extent of law enforcement surveillance. Verizon’s announcement is going to be a big hit. Now, the pressure is on other telecoms to step up to the plate,” said Greg Nojeim, Director of CDT’s Project on Freedom, Security and Technology.

“What Verizon won’t report, though is what the U.S. government prevents it from reporting: the extent to which its customers’ data is disclosed for intelligence reasons,” Nojeim added.