Statement on Release of Staff Discussion Draft of Boucher-Stearns Consumer Privacy bill
Washington, DC — Today, the Center for Democracy & Technology released the following statement on the release of the staff discussion draft of Boucher-Stearns consumer privacy bill:
"We thank Reps. Boucher and Stearns for their continued leadership on consumer privacy issues and their recognition that the time for piecemeal solutions to privacy has passed," said CDT Vice President Ari Schwartz. "We look forward to working with the sponsors and the members of the Energy and Commerce Committee to perfect the bill, including, but not limited to, the incorporation of a modern and robust set of fair information practices."
CDT President Leslie Harris added: "It has been almost a decade since Congress last considered consumer privacy legislation. Since that time, commercial collection and use of consumer information both online and off have increased exponentially. Consumers deserve comprehensive privacy protection. Today’s release of the staff discussion draft of the Boucher–Stearns consumer privacy bill is the first step to achieving this important goal."