Senate to Decide on USA FREEDOM Act
Today the Senate will take its first major vote on NSA reform, deciding whether to proceed with debate on the USA FREEDOM Act (S. 2685). This important piece of legislation will establish the following reforms to NSA surveillance:
- End government bulk collection of Americans private data and records
- Require disclosure of important rulings by the secret FISA Court
- Permit greater company reporting on surveillance orders received
- Require new transparency reporting from government on surveillance activities
- Create a Special Advocate to support privacy rights at the FISA Court
We’ve been actively involved in bringing about these vital changes since the Snowden revelations began last year, highlighting key policy areas to be addressed, crafting legislative language that will protect civil liberties, and advocating for effective reform in Congress.
We are closer than we’ve ever been to achieving this important goal.
Bringing this bill to the Senate floor is a critical step forward for surveillance reform. We need Members of Congress to know that their constituents want to see an end to unnecessary and overbroad NSA snooping and are looking to their Senators to show leadership and act now.
Contact your Senators today, and tell them to support the USA FREEDOM Act.
Call and email Senators (find your Senator’s contact information here), and ask for their support on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites.