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Government Surveillance

House Panel Approves CISPA Amidst Warnings From Reddit Co-Founder

A House panel today approved a controversial cyber-security bill. By a vote of 18 to 2, the House Intelligence Committee approved the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).

The vote, or markup, was conducted during a private session since it involved classified information. It is expected to be taken up by the full House next week.

“Cyber-hackers from nation-states like China, Russia, and Iran are infiltrating American cyber networks, stealing billions of dollars a year in intellectual property, and undermining the technological innovation at the heart of America’s economy,” said bill sponsor and committee chairman Mike Rogers. “This bill takes a solid step toward helping American businesses protect their networks from these cyber looters. Through hard work and compromise, we have produced a balanced bill that provides strong protections for privacy and civil liberties, while enabling effective cyber-threat sharing. The decisiveness of the vote shows the tremendous bipartisan support for this bill.”