Email Privacy One Step Closer to Reality
Could this be the year that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) is updated to better protect the privacy of our emails? By a voice vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Email Privacy Act, which would do just that. In 2016, the bill passed the House by a vote of 419-0. The Center for Democracy & Technology continues to be a leading advocate for updating ECPA.
“Support for constitutional protections, like requiring the government to get a warrant to read email, remain bipartisan. House leadership and the sponsors of the Email Privacy Act have made a powerful statement by moving the legislation so quickly in the new Congress,” said CDT Vice President of Policy Chris Calabrese. “The House has acted to protect Americans’ privacy. Now it’s up to the Senate and the President to do the same.”
With the bill moving to the Senate, CDT will work with members of the Digital Due Process Coalition to advocate for its passage. More information on our reform efforts is available here.