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Cybersecurity & Standards

D.C. Circuit Denies Stay, Open Internet Rules to Take Effect Tomorrow

Today, the D.C. Circuit ruled that the Petitioners seeking to stop the Federal Communications Commission’s network neutrality rules from taking effect did not satisfy “the stringent requirements for a stay pending court review.”  The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) fully believes this was the correct result. The Commission’s Order took a careful, considered, and thorough approach to promulgating effective rules to protect the open Internet.

“With this ruling, starting tomorrow, internet users will again have the confidence that they will enjoy a free and open internet. The rules largely preserve the highly successful status quo that continues to encourage innovation and investment in broadband networks and the content and services on the edge of those networks.  While the court’s ruling is by no means the end of the net neutrality debate, it marks a significant milestone for the open internet and all of its users,” said Erik Stallman, CDT’s Director of the Open Internet Project.