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Government Surveillance

Broad Coalition Rallies Against Cyber-Surveillance Legislation

Today, CDT and many other tech and privacy groups are engaging in a day of action, rallying to highlight privacy and security problems with the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), which may be coming to the Senate floor this week. CDT opposes the bill and will support amendments that would reduce these privacy and security concerns.

CDT, along with other civil society organizations and security experts, also signed on to a letter urging the White House to issue a veto threat, as it has for previous cybersecurity information sharing legislation that raised similar concerns.

CDT today released two blogs on CISA, one explaining the problems in CISA, and another examining the potential impact of the bill’s problematic countermeasures authorization.

Read the CDT insight explaining the problems with CISA

Read the CDT blog on the potential harms of CISA authorizing countermeasures

This year CDT has developed a wealth of resources around cyber that analyze the bill, and detail these problems and proposed amendments: