CRS Report of the Week: Reauthorization of the E-Government Act
From the report’s summary:
Building upon the Clinger-Cohen Act, the E-Government Act serves as the
primary legislative vehicle to guide evolving federal IT management practices and
to promote initiatives to make government information and services available online.
In doing so, it also represents a continuation of efforts to realize greater efficiencies
and reduce redundancies through improved intergovernmental coordination, and by
aligning IT investments. The law contains a variety of provisions related to federal
government IT management, information security, and the provision of services and
information electronically. One of the most recognized provisions involves the
creation of an Office of Electronic Government (OEG) within the OMB. The OEG
is headed by an Administrator who is responsible for carrying out a variety of
information resources management (IRM) functions, as well as administering the
interagency E-Government Fund authorized by the law.
Although Senator Lieberman raised the question of public availability of CRS reports at the hearing on E-Government Reauthorization last year, there is no mention within the report of making CRS reports freely available or other Legislative Branch openness issues.