European Policy, Free Expression, Government Surveillance
CDTEU Joins Letter Calling for EU Legislators to Safeguard Rights and Productive Business Environment in the Terrorist Content Online Regulation
The Center for Democracy & Technology’s EU Office (CDTEU) joined in signing a letter to the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the European Commission, suggesting changes to the proposed Terrorist Content Online Regulation to ensure that the legislation meets its objectives while at the same time safeguards fundamental rights and a productive business environment. The letter stresses six key priorities: (1) restricting the scope to companies relevant for the Regulation’s objective, (2) selecting a targeted and clear definition of terrorist content, (3) ensuring the independence of competent authorities, (4) clarifying rules for removal orders, (5) explaining negative consequences of proactive measures, and (6) warning against disclosure of user data to law enforcement without appropriate judicial oversight.
The text of the letter including the list of signatories can be viewed here.