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Free Expression

CDT Supports Independent Researchers Speaking Truth to Power

Free expression is the cornerstone of democratic societies, but speaking truth to power can be an inherently risky activity. This sobering reality is well understood by journalists and human rights defenders around the world, and increasingly by researchers in academia and civil society as well.

In recent years, scholars studying the inner workings of powerful technology companies and their impact on society have come under attack. These attacks come in many forms, including online harassment campaigns, physical stalking, nuisance SLAPP lawsuits, deprecating technical tools that researchers rely on to do their work, unsubstantiated smears in the media, and abuse of the Congressional oversight process. The resulting chilling effect has led a number of institutions to scale back their research and even shutter academic programs entirely. In addition to the human cost to individual researchers, this retreat jeopardizes our collective ability to engage in evidence-based policymaking. (You can read more about CDT’s work on this issue here, here and here.)

As an advocacy organization that conducts and publishes rigorous original research, CDT is a proud member of the Coalition for Independent Tech Research and is honored to support the Researcher Support Consortium. As we mark the Consortium’s launch, we stand in solidarity with nearly two dozen peer organizations and academic institutions by pledging to support independent research and researchers:

The Center for Democracy & Technology pledges to continue its advocacy supporting independent researchers who study topics of critical importance to society and encouraging the tech policy community to stand unequivocally united in support of independent researchers and their ability to do their work securely.