CDT Joins Letter Urging Congress to Investigate New Revelations of U.S. Secret Bulk Surveillance of Americans and Others
From the letter:
Critically, such surveillance takes place without the protections of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) or other privacy statutes, and is not authorized or supervised by any court. Congressional action is urgently needed to address this gap in the critical safeguards that protect Americans’ privacy.
We urge the Senate and House Judiciary Committees to investigate the CIA’s bulk collection programs and to pass legislation protecting Americans from this type of spying.
We specifically urge you to advance the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act (S.1265/H.R.2738), legislation that establishes the “exclusive means” pursuant to which the government may acquire certain types of records pertaining to Americans from certain entities, and to identify other areas where legislation is needed to ensure congressional and judicial oversight over surveillance activities that affect Americans’ rights. We also ask that the intelligence committees work to further declassify records related to these programs, to assist Congress with its oversight duties.